

Wild & Precious World

A Pollen Live Event at Southern Theatre


Creative Director // Melanie Walby
Editorial Direction // Jerome Rankine
Video & Projection // LineBreak Media
Event Logistics & Engagement // Julie Cohen
Photography // Joél Valdez, Sarah White
Event Photography // Emily Barrera
Illustration // Kelsi Sharp
Hand Lettering // Marla Bonner

Pollen Live | A Wild and Precious World is the culmination of three stories that explore different aspects of the environmental justice movement — the ongoing work to not only heal what ails our planet, but to do so in a way that centers the communities most impacted by environmental challenges, big and small. It was a night of interactive readings, music, performance, and art sharing a stage with leaders advancing the cause of environmental justice. 

Prior to the live event, a series of three stories on environmental justice was published in Pollen’s bi-weekly newsletter. Leigh Finke wrote Energy Equity and Justice for All, about Ben Passer and Janiece Watts who at the time were co-leading equity at Fresh Energy. Anaïs Deal-Márquez wrote A World in Balance about local poet and organizer Louis Alemayehu, and Sagirah Shahid wrote The Environment in Context about Dr. Cecilia Martinez, The co-founder and executive director of the Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy (CEED).

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